
On this page, you can see the list of properties for Inperium objects, such as deals or contacts. Developers may leverage this data when creating integrations with the Inperium app.

Only account administrators and users with “can manage product settings” permission can access the Inperium Sell product settings. Other users can only manage their personal settings.

Settings in Inperium Sell

Proceed to Product settings / Properties.

Why would you need a custom property?

In Inperium, you can create custom properties to store additional data. It comes in handy if you have a specific sales workflow and want to tailor Inperium to it.

For example, you can create an additional field in Deals to store shipping information.

Creating a custom property

  1. Select Create.
  2. Specify an object you want to create a new property for. For example, contacts.
  3. Define your property: add an internal property name, display name (label), description, and data type.

Data types and formats

Depending on the data you want to store in the custom property, specify a proper data type.

  • string — enables a user to enter text. This type is good for the fields such as address and job description.
  • number — enables a user to add digits. This type is good for ids, internal codes, and indexes.
  • boolean - enables a user to select “yes/no” or “true/false” values. For example, shipment included “yes/no”.
  • date - enables a user to pick a date.
  • select - enables a user to choose one of preset options. For example, a type of shipment: ground, air, express.
  • monetary - enables a user to enter values in a specific currency.